Have you met your neighbor and exchanged more than a wave? Do you know their name if someone asked?If so, while you are in the majority, you may be surprised to find that it's not as big of a group as you'd imagine. Roughly 33% of Americans claim they have "never...
Representing Our Community Since 1959
Month: March 2020
What can you do when a neighbor won’t respect an easement?
Property disputes can arise for a large number of reasons, but easements are a common source of contention among owners of adjoining properties. An easement is a legal form of permission for access to or use of someone else's property or along shared boundaries....
Suing an estate executor
In an ideal world, the executor for your parents' estate will do a fair and capable job, helping to divide the assets and carry out the instructions left for them in the will. That is the task they were given when they agreed to become the executor.However, it is...
What is light trespass?
There are a lot of ways that your neighbor can impact your quality of life. Maybe they refuse to maintain their property, bringing your property value down. Maybe they built a fence that is so tall it breaks local regulations and makes you feel enclosed in your own...
Wills, heirs and the perception of inequality
You do all that you can to make your will equal. You know that a lot of estate disputes arise when one heir gets more than the others. Siblings may spend years in court arguing over what should happen with your assets. You want to avoid that, so you just make...