A person who creates an estate plan usually drafts a will to outline what they want to happen to their assets after their death. The vast majority of wills are read and executed without any issues, but there are times when those invested in an estate may have a reason...
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Lynnwood Law Blog
What people can learn from George Carlin’s probate lawsuit
Celebrity probate conflicts often provide very little insight into the needs of the average person. Someone who dies with millions of dollars in property has very different needs than those in average households who may have retirement savings and real property in...
Solving a dispute with a Washington construction contractor
If you’re having a dispute with a Washington construction contractor, you might have questions about how to proceed. ForConstructionPros suggests discussing the problem one-on-one and looking for a solution before taking any other action. However, there are...
Property lines and home improvement projects
Remodeling your Washington home can be a great way to improve its value and make it more functional for yourself and your family. However, depending on the scope of the project, it may be necessary to have a land survey done. A land survey helps to establish your...
Mistakes people make when giving a house to their kids
Some Washington residents believe gifting a house to their adult children is an ideal way to avoid probate. While it may be so, putting the deed in their names can lead to other potential problems. More creative and safer ways are available to prevent your home from...
Should I seek a guardianship for my loved one’s healthcare?
Washington state guardianships aren't just for managing the care and affairs of minor children. They're also a valuable tool to help protect adults incapacitated because of physical or mental disease, such as an adult with a profound disability or an older person with...
Red flags to consider when a loved one changes a will
You may have found peace of mind in the fact that your loved one prepared a will and attended to other estate planning matters. This knowledge gives you hope that, when the time comes, the estate will pass on with little or no legal controversy. However, the news that...
Lessons learned from Lisa Marie Presley’s estate litigation
Unfortunately, estate litigation and family issues are an all-too-common occurrence in Washington state and around the country. When the dispute involves famous individuals, such as the Presley family, there's a great deal of media attention involved. While all the...
What you should know about rural boundary lines
When it comes to rural areas, it's not always a simple matter to determine where boundary lines should be drawn. The two distinct types of property line violations that may lead to disputes are trespassing and encroaching. If you are worried about how to protect your...
Protect your property from squatters and adverse possession
In Washington, squatter's rights or adverse possession is a legal concept that applies to property. It refers to the method by which a person can become the owner of a property that does not belong to them without consent from the property's rightful owner....
Our Practice Areas
Estate Planning
Probate and Trust