People in Seattle are encouraged to create an estate plan early on in their adult lives. At the same time, they are also told to revisit that plan as their circumstances change. Often, you may find yourself party to an estate whose terms (at least those stipulated in...
Representing Our Community Since 1959
Month: July 2019
Fence dispute ends with shooting, man arrested
People in Washington State who have ever encountered a challenging neighbor know that it can be tough to know exactly how to deal with a problem that involves the person living next door to them. While most people make efforts to be civil, at least initially, tensions...
How much is your parents’ home worth?
One of the biggest questions that heirs often find themselves asking when their parents pass away is just how much the family home is worth.After all, the Seattle area is consistently one of the most expensive in the entire country. The median home price is over...
Invalidating a will
It is recommended that those working their way through the estate planning process in Seattle involve those who will be impacted by their decisions as much as possible. Yet that does not always happen, which is why many who are party to an estate may ultimately be...
Removing an executor from their role
When you are party to an estate in Seattle, it may be easy to feel as though you have little control over your interests. At first glance, it may appear that you indeed do not given that it is the estate executor who handles its administration. Yet your interests must...
Neighbor dispute heard by Court of Appeals
People who live in Washington State and who experience challenges with their neighbors often wonder what type of recourse they may have or how they can protect themselves. In an ideal world, neighbors would be able to cooperate and resolve their differences...
Planning to avoid estate taxes
One of the concerns weighing on those tasked with administering the estates of their family members or friends is the issue of taxes. Often it is assumed that an estate will automatically owe tax, yet that is not always the case. Indeed, according to information...